Did you like
watching the popular series "The X-files", where two special agents of
the FBI department tried to reveal different mysterious cases? People
are fond of riddles and mysteries, that's why the news about the UFOs
and inexplicable events are so popular and create sensations. And if you
like everything unordinary and enigmatic, the new game FBI: Paranormal
Case Extended Edition is for you! The main character of the game FBI:
Paranormal Case Extended Edition is agent William James, who was
recently appointed to the special department of the FBI. The competence
of the department lies upon unsolved crimes, where something unordinary
and extraterrestrial is implicated. And William James established the
reputation in police as the hard - working agent with astute mind and
nerves of steel, specialized on extremely complicated and violent
crimes, so he soon got the appointment from FBI. His first case on the
new place was connected with the incident in the US Station Amundsen -
Scott in Antarctica. The group of scientists disappeared without trace
and there were no evidences where they might be and what had happened to
them. The agent explored the station and found out that the scientists
experimentalized with the sample of bacteria of unknown origin. And the
results of the experiment could have been fatal for them… In the game
FBI: Paranormal Case Extended Edition your goal is to collect objects
hidden in different environments and reveal the mysterious symbols left
on the places of crimes. Download the game FBI: Paranormal Case Extended
Edition and enjoy the risky adventures!

Interactive inventory Detective plot Breathtaking gameplay Absolutely FREE
System Requirements
Windows /XP/Vista/7 Processor 1 Ghz or better 512 Mb RAM DirectX 8.1
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