When all the
childish games are over and it is time for the real entertainment, you
think of some serious kind of it. Computer games give us a lot of
various opportunities: what doesn't' exist in our world can be found
there; something that is prohibited in life appears the virtual world.
All of us like to be naughty and behave like hooligans sometimes but our
life is usually quite serious to play with it. Still it's difficult to
live without silly jokes and without taking things easy. But how can we
get rid of our stresses, relax and at the same time do not to look like
odd creatures in the society? The decision is already waiting for you.
Take part in a real space fighting and join the team of Conquerors.
Everything they do is only aimed at getting pleasure and expressing the
emotions. They don't know limits and want to be the first and the only
ones. If you are eager to feel the taste of destruction and are ready to
avoid bars on your way then choose your space shuttle and face your
enemies. Do they really frighten you? You must be strong and brave and
create the plan how to beat your rivals and survive. Remember that
Conquerors always get what they want. Now it is your turn to put up a
fight. The task isn't easy but when you get used to constant fighting
you'll realize what a fun it is to shoot and look at the results of it.
Feel the power and overcome your fears together with Conquerors. The
victory is very close - it's up to you to decide how soon you will
really win.

Plenty of colors Space atmosphere Opportunity to shoot Powerful enemies Struggle Game - Absolutely FREE
System Requirements
Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7 Processor 800 Mhz or better 512 Mb RAM DirectX 8.1
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